Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy

Woodlands Medical Practice – Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy

1. Purpose

Woodlands Medical Practice is committed to ensuring that the best possible service is provided to all patients registered with the practice.

Patient non-attendance at a booked appointment adversely impacts on practice staff and its patients in the following manner:

The `Did Not Attend’ (DNA) patient takes the appointment slot of another patient who could have attended. The effect of this is an increase in the waiting time for appointments.

The time and personnel required to follow-up and rebook DNA patients diverts practice staff from other duties and is therefore a waste of resources.

Consistent application of the DNA policy by all practice staff (clinical and non-clinical) plays an important role in encouraging patients to assist in ensuring that Clinics are managed as efficiently as possible.

This policy relates the handling of DNA’s and outlines the expectations of patients and staff in the management of these instances.

2. Responsibility

It is the responsibility of Woodlands Medical staff to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the patient is aware of their scheduled appointment.

Every effort will be made to communicate effectively with all patients including those with language, literacy and vision difficulties, and those who change address frequently.
The practice will exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis to avoid disadvantaging patients in the case of genuine hardship, misunderstandings and other unavoidable circumstances.

It is the patient’s responsibility to:

  • Advise Woodlands Medical Practice of any change to their contact details
  •  Attend their arranged clinic appointment or reschedule with reasonable advanced notice.

3. Policy

In the event that a patient does not attend (DNA) an appointment for the first time then the following process will be undertaken:

The appointment will be recorded as a DNA and no further action will be taken.

If a patient does not attend (DNA) for two appointments within a 12 month period, they will be sent a first Woodlands Medical Practice DNA letter explaining that they did not attend their appointment and the effects it has on the practice and what will happen if the DNA a third time.

If the patient DNA’s a third time within a 12 month period then a 2nd (Final) letter will be sent stating that their name will removed from the practice list but giving them a 4 week time slot to contact the practice manager to discuss any specific problem preventing them from cancelling appointments. Before finally removing the patient check with the GP.